Advisor for multilingual families

Conseillère des familles multilingues

Supporting families who want to successfully raise bilingual or multilingual children, with targeted resources and thoughtfully chosen structures at home and in the community

“How do I raise my child with more than one language?”

<< Comment élever mon enfant avec plus d’une langue ? >>

Every family is unique. Each one needs unique solutions.

Chaque famille est unique. Chacune a besoin de solutions uniques.

How I can support you at home:

Comment je peux vous soutenir chez vous :

  • Choosing a structure

    One parent, one language? Minority language, majority language?

  • Building routines

    Will bath time be in French? When will we all switch to the language of the community?

  • Finding resources

    What books should I be reading? What games can we play?

Finding or creating the right school setting for your children

Just like every child, every school is different. It can be overwhelming to compare programs or to know what questions to ask.

Maybe what you’re looking for doesn’t exist yet. I can help you to start it from the ground up.

“O.K. I want my child to be bilingual. When do I get started?”

Your child’s language exposure begins before birth. It’s never too early to commit to routines that will give your child the gift of your heritage language.

It’s also never too late to begin learning a language. Sure, little kids pick it up most easily, but fluency can happen at any age.

“Why? Won’t it just happen?”

It’s not as easy as you may think, especially if you’re living in an area with only one dominant language.

There are many factors to consider: Will it be one-parent/one-language? Will there be one language inside the home, and a different one outside? How will the child be getting enough input from multiple speakers of the language to actually begin speaking?

“So, how do I begin?”

Luckily I have 15 years of experience working with multilingual families of many different structures, so I can work with you to find what will work best for you and your children.

Reach out to me so that we can make a plan together.

“Speaking to Greer was always refreshing and left us feeling empowered as parents.”

— Veronique Nguyen and Ben Sobel, bilingual parents of a PS 58 student

“Nous avons continué d’apprécier sa joie, sa gentillesse, sa bonne humeur et ses qualités supérieures de communication et de dialogue aussi bien avec les enfants qu’avec leurs parents.”

— Emilie et Jean-François Tormo, parents français d'un élève bilingue à PS 58 de 2020 à 2023

“En tant que responsable du comité de liaison DLP, Mme Patterson a travaillé en étroite collaboration avec les parents d'élèves pour enrichir le programme grâce à des activités complémentaires et des événements spéciaux. En tant que collègue, j'ai toujours été impressionnée par sa capacité à communiquer efficacement avec les parents et à établir une relation solide avec eux. Sa capacité à instaurer une atmosphère de confiance et d'ouverture favorise une collaboration étroite entre l'école et les familles, ce qui contribue grandement au succès global du programme.”

— Annique Leman, directrice adjointe, PS 58 à Brooklyn, New York