Tutor for young learners

Tuteur pour les jeunes apprenants

Offering in-person, at-home tutoring in the Bay Area of California.

Available for online tutoring across the U.S. and around the world.

During 15 years of teaching experience in a New York City public school, I supported hundreds of students, from Pre-K through 5th grade, in achieving their goals and expanding their perspectives, in all core elementary subjects, in both English and French, with approaches that worked for them as individuals.

How I can help you and your children:

Comment je peux vous aider et aider vos enfants :

French reading and writing support for native speakers and French language learners

Pour les petits francophones qui sont scolarisés en français et/ou qui aimeraient ajouter l’accès à cette langue à la maison.

For children learning French in an immersion, bilingual, or dual-language program who would like support outside the classroom.

Laissez-moi savoir comment je pourrais soutenir votre lecteur et/ou votre écrivain débutant.

English reading and writing for native speakers and English language learners

From playing with sounds and syllables as kids enter school, to tackling phonics and word-solving strategies in the primary grades, I am here for you and your young readers.

I also have extensive experience supporting children who are new to English and need targeted vocabulary and decoding support in their new language.

Je suis prête à soutenir les capacités de lecture et d’écriture en anglais pour vos enfants qui viennent de découvrir l’anglais.

French as a foreign language for beginners and budding language enthusiasts

Parlez-vous français ?

Would you like to bring the gift of a new language into your home? Do you want creative, playful, and effective methods for children to explore the language in age-appropriate ways?

Let me know.

Math support for elementary students

“Oh my gosh, this NEW MATH!”

— every parent in the U.S. for the last 10 years

Don’t worry — I’ve got this.

Do you have another need?

Let me know, and let’s see how I can support you and your child.

“Beyond her linguistic talents, Ms. Patterson exudes kindness and compassion in all aspects of her teaching. Her genuine care for each student’s well-being is evident in the way she patiently listens to their concerns, offers guidance, and provides a supportive atmosphere where every child feels valued.”

— Kate Powers, mother of a French-language-learner student and class parent, PS 58 in Brooklyn, NY

“Sa patience et son empathie font d'elle une enseignante exceptionnelle qui inspire ses élèves à atteindre leur plein potentiel.”

— Annique Leman, directrice adjointe, PS 58 à Brooklyn, New York

“I really like that whatever you teach us, you make it fun.”

— 2nd Grader N.

“... Greer was a sound and consistent influence for Zachary. She made a connection with him early on, and throughout the year she was both an educator and an advocate for him. On several occasions we sought Greer’s input on how we could help Zachary achieve his full potential, and each time we walked away impressed by her thoughtfulness and perspective. It could not have been more clear that Greer really understood our son and consistently thought creatively and proactively about how she could set him up to be his best self in class.”

— Veronique Nguyen and Ben Sobel, bilingual parents of a PS 58 student

“Ms. Patterson est une enseignante qui aura marqué notre famille, que nous apprécions, respectons et dont nous nous souviendrons toujours. Nous lui sommes reconnaissants des fondamentaux scolaires solides en anglais et en français, des grands progrès réalisés par Léo dans l’ensemble des matières, et des nouveaux horizons qui se sont ouverts à lui. Nous ne doutons pas un instant des capacités de Greer à créer de nouveaux contenus pour favoriser l’apprentissage bilingue et développer des relations inspirantes avec ses élèves.”

— Emilie et Jean-François Tormo, parents français d'un élève bilingue à PS 58 de 2020 à 2023